Cooking Marmalade On A Converted Range Cooker
Thank you to Community member and Blake & Bull 'convertees', Bob & Debby, who sent in this tip!
Converting your beloved cooker to electric does have it's advantages, cheaper to run, easier to control, and maintainto name a few. However we do get enquiries about how customers might go on to cook recipes that have been honed and adapted over the years to suit the individualities of their cookers. The big annual 'marmalade cook up' was something that Debby didn't want to miss.
We are very happy to report that Debby has just finished cooking her 4th batch and "all is well".
Debby has generously gifted her process to share with you lovely lot so that you fellow converters can share in her orange sticky joy!
- Choose the right pan - "We established last year that my aluminium pan wasn’t able to get hot enough, probably because it had a “ground” base, so I bought a large steel one to replace it." A large flat base and steel are best for conductivity, this pan has a steel base and with a 6ltr capacity is large enough too!
- "I also altered the cooking method slightly, bringing the fruit up to boiling point in the top oven before transferring it to the hob and adding the sugar, having heated the sugar in the bottom oven."
- "Because I was able to control the heat of the hob, I could complete the final stage (boiling ‘til the setting point is reached) with the lid on the pan without the fear of it boiling over." Our conversion gives you the flexibility to isolate your hobs and with 8 settings you have more control too.
Find out more on our 'Aga range cooker electric conversions homepage'