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Recipe Name:  Flatbreads recipe with instructions for Aga range cookers


Meal Type: Bread
Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook time: 5 minutes 

Servings: 4


It is incredibly easy to make your own flatbreads and this very simple dough can be adapted in many ways – roll out thicker for naan-style breads to accompany a curry or thinly for flatbreads to fold around your favourite sandwich fillings. Flavour the breads with herbs and spices or brush with a delicious flavoured butter or oil.

You'll need...


  • 1 cup self-raising flour
  • approximately ¾ cup plain yoghurt (or non-dairy equivalent)
  • pinch of salt
  • oil
  • optional – herbs, spices, flavoured butter or oil (see variations)
  • Method:

    1. In a mixing bowl, combine the flour with a little salt. Add the yoghurt starting with half a cup at first. Stir to combine and then gradually add more yoghurt a little at a time until the dough holds together and you are able to handle it. It will be quite sticky but workable and a little springy.

    2. Knead very briefly until you have a smooth dough (do not overwork or it will become tough). Set aside to rest in the bowl, covered with a clean tea towel, for half and hour.

    3. Divide the dough into four equal pieces and roll out on an oiled surface – around 5mm thick for a fluffy flatbread, a little thinner for one to use as a wrap for filling.

    4. Cook the flatbreads on the simmering plate – either directly on the hotplate on a silicone baking sheet. The thicker breads will need approximately 2 minutes on each side – turn them when they have plenty of bronzed speckles on the cooked side.

    5. Transfer to a plate and keep warm until ready to serve.

     Flatbread made in an Aga range cooker

    Aga range cooker tips:

    • It is hard to give precise quantities for this ‘recipe’ as it will depend on the flour and yoghurt you use – Greek yoghurt, for example, has a thicker consistency than a regular plain yoghurt. Add the yoghurt a little at a time until you have a sticky but workable dough. If too sticky, simply add a little more flour until you reach the desired consistency. Likewise, don’t worry if you don’t have precise ‘cup’ measures – this is about ratios rather than precise quantities. Use any mug or cup you have to hand.
    • You can vary both the flour and yoghurt used for these flatbreads. Try wholemeal flour, for example (it is more ‘thirsty’ so you will need a little more yoghurt) or Greek yoghurt. For a dairy-free version, try a vegan yoghurt such as coconut yoghurt.
    • You can also make flatbreads using just warm water instead of yoghurt – add a tablespoon of olive oil for a little further flavour. For a gluten-free flatbread, combine gram/chickpea flour with warm water until you have a smooth, workable dough.
    • As the dough is quite sticky, it can be hard to transfer the rolled flatbread from your oiled surface to the simmering plate. I like to roll mine out on a silicone baking sheet, carry the whole thing to the simmering plate and turn it upside down onto the hot surface and then peel off the baking sheet (see my video demonstration).
    • Flatbreads can be flavoured in many ways with different herbs or spices. To serve alongside a curry, melt butter with crushed garlic in a dish on top of your cooker. As soon as the flatbreads are cooked, brush them with the flavoured butter and sprinkle with freshly chopped coriander. Alternatively, sprinkle the uncooked flatbread with nigella or sesame seeds.
    • Keep flatbreads warm on a plate sitting on top of the boiling plate lid (protected with a chef’s pad or tea towel).
    • Flatbreads are best eaten when freshly made but they do freeze well so why not make a big batch so that you have a supply in the freezer. When needed, simply freshen up by heating on the simmering plate.

    This fun family recipe has been scribed and tested by community member Antonia, who is a hard working mum with two boys. Her recipes are trialed in her much loved Aga range cooker and devoured by her family, allowing Antonia to provide accurate tips and advice on how to make the dishes a success! Go check her work out! She is a country girl, happily surrounded by an excitable Lab, her dear husband, two boys and the Cotswolds. 

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