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Katy's Vegetable Pasta Sauce


Recipe Name:  Katy's Vegetable Pasta Sauce on the Aga range cooker


Meal Type: Lunch, Dinner
Prep Time: 20 Minutes

Cook time: 40 Minutes

Servings: 2

I have two kids, and when my son was going through a brief stage of only eating cold ham, a slice of toast and baked beans for supper, I concocted this recipe to conceal vegetables from sight. It was an instant hit, and no word of a lie, he actually had play date requests so his mates could come and eat three bowls in a row! At Age 2 and ¾ he named it 'Jelly Pasta', for no logical reason other than he was 2 and ¾ ! This name stuck, so here for your pleasure is Henry's Jelly Pasta Sauce! 


  • 1 Vegan/vege stock cube ( I swear by kallo low salt for kids, great if you are weaning too) 
  • No more than 1/2 a teaspoon of brown sugar/honey/or agave syrup
  • 1 large carrot (finely chopped or if you need to cook quickly, grate in the food processor)
  • 2 sticks of celery (chopped as above)
  • Herbs, fresh if you have them, basil, oregano, thyme - dried also great
  • 1 Apple (the one that has been waiting to be eaten in the fruit bowl, you might not need the honey if it is a sweet one) peeled, cored and chopped.
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 1 clove of garlic, coarsely chopped
  • The smallest, tiniest shake of white pepper
  • 1 tin of good tomatoes
  • A healthy squeeze of tomato puree around 2 heaped tablespoons
  • Olive oil
  • A bay leaf
  • Salt if you wish
  • Mixed veg that you need to use up or want to 'hide' - but recipe doesn't need it
  • Method:

    1. Fry together your carrot, celery and onion in around 1tbsp of olive oil, until soft and onions are translucent. 

    2. Add the garlic and herbs (if dried - fresh add later), soften further. Transfer to the simmering oven to do this for a few mins

    3. Add the apple to the mix, stir in your chosen 'sweetener' (takes the edge of the tomatoes).

    4. At this stage, conceal more veg in there, if you wish! I have added roasted red pepper that my son hates, but has gobbled up in the sauce! Courgettes in the summer glut, and even mushrooms that make my daughter shudder! Just a few,.. don't give the game away! 

    5. Add hot stock and all other ingredients, simmer for 10 or so mins in the oven. All veg should be soft and it should be bubbling.

    6. When you are ready to serve, whizz it all together in a food processor (remove the bay leaf!), and serve over pasta. I keep it in the fridge for up to three days and use in family lasagne, as a soup base (makes a great minestrone with added stock, a bit more puree, finely chopped veg, and tiny pasta), and on homemade pizza too. I just simmer it up with more salt and wine if I want to make it more grown up! 

    7. Dress with cheese if you wish, oodles of it!

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