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Spanikopita - A Greek Vegetarian Tart


Recipe Name:  Spanikopita - A Greek Vegetarian Tart


Meal Type: Supper, Lunch
Prep Time: 20 Minutes

Cook time: 40 Minutes

Servings: Depends on how hungry you are!

An adaptable Greek recipe, great for a light supper and as leftovers for lunch the next day. This dish is easily 'made vegan' too. Make this a stalwart of your families recipe list, whether you are vegetarian or not, it is sure to satisfy.

When baking a tart or flan we recommend using a cold shelf to shield your culinary efforts from intense heat, and allows the pie to bake evenly. 

This recipe is the perfect fit for our NEW flan tin, great for portioning control! 


  • 1kg adult spinach, frozen is good too - remember to squeeze! 
  • Salt
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 Red onion finely chopped & Spring onions using as much of the green good stuff too! 
  • 300g Feta, crumbled(Or vegan alternative / tofu)
  • Fresh Herbs: oregano (dried is good too, fry off gently with onions) Mint and Dill (not great dried, but frozen is good!) 
  • 2 eggs, beaten (replace with flax seeds soaked as a vegan alternative - heres how!)
  • Zest of 1 unwaxed lemon
  • Nutmeg
  • 250g filo pastry - It's vegan! 
  • A good olive oil, why not use Greek !, to brush

You may need...


1. Chop your spinach, season well with salt, and rub well until it is wilted. (ignore this if you are using frozen)

2. If you are using frozen spinach, defrost season a squeeze util it has yielded all it's liquid

3. Fry off the RED onion, oregano (if using dry), pop into the simmering oven to soften.

4. Now combine your feta (or alternative) and fresh herbs with the cooked onions, and chopped spring onions. 

5. Squeeze your spinach, and add to the cheese/tofu mix. Add some salt (feta is salty), the nutmeg, the zest, egg (flax alternative), and some white pepper. Taste and set aside. 

6.  Now brush your chosen tin with a delicious oil, and start to layer your filo, using half. Be informal, and let it overhang. Enjoy this, don't rush it! Then smooth in the filling. Then repeat with the pastry. Once complete, fold back in your overhang and oil this. 



Use a cold shelf to bring roasting oven temperature down and shield your pie, you can remove to brown up top if needs be! Ideal cooking temp is 200℃, use a oven thermometer to get to know your cooker! Cook for 30-40 mins and enjoy warm with a zesty veg salad or crunchy coleslaw! 

One for the spring - forage some wild garlic and substitute some of your spinach for that! Garnish your salad with the flowers. 

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