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How to Choose your Model of Blake & Bull Aga Range Cooker

We offer 3 models plus some minor variations. All have the same functionality and are equally efficient. Your choice should be based solely on how they look.

'Deluxe' cookers are most common but our 'Heritage' model (based on 'Standard' model cooker made between 1941 and 1982) models are instantly recognisable too.

4 oven models give you extra space when needed but don't cost much more to run, if any, as you can control the warming cupboard temperature independently. You should be able to leave the left hand ovens off until needed. 

Late model 'Deluxe' cookers (made from 1974 onwards)

We offer these in 2 or 4 oven size and they have a more minimal and sleek look. The hob is flat to the back with a small 'upstand' at the rear. The 4 oven warming cupboard hob tops have a built in overlap that is part of the casting for a neat join.

Late model 'Deluxe' reconditioned Aga range cooker


Early model 'Deluxe' cookers (made 1956-1974)

Visually very similar to late model 'Deluxe' cookers but they have a handy raised 'hotshelf' behind the lids and optional 'airwheel' on the front for a little retro sex appeal! We only offer early model 'Deluxe' cookers in 2 oven size as the design of the join between the main section and warming cupboard on the 4 oven cookers was a bit poor! The lid hinges on these cookers have a little more play, but with their sloping front are easier to keep clean and more attractive.

Early model 'Deluxe' reconditioned Aga range cooker


'Heritage' model cookers (Originally 'Standard' models made between 1941 and 1972)

The classic option. They have a more detailed look, particularly on the front, with lovely chrome accents. The lids are a little heavier as they are enamelled all over but are super pretty when enamelled to match the front colour.

Standard model reconditioned Aga range cooker
