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Possibly the toastiest pooches and purrfect felines around?!

It has been a frosty week, the season is on the turn and leaves are falling. As the simple pleasures of autumn life fall into their comforting rhythm, the pets of our cooker owners have been sharing their pup pics with us and we are always happy to see them!

Kate sent us this little group of homely pics, piled up pooches and curled up cats, what could be better on an autumn day?!


The purrfect position on a warm range top using every inch of these chef's pads and taking advantage of the residual heat given by the cooker, you can find similar hob covers featuring our new cat design here. Cats have even been known to cosy on down on one of our drying airers, snuggling into any warm linens drying there! cheeky!


A homely autumn pet family photo, any room at the Inn?! 


And to finish we have this furry friend in fluffy heaven on his hand crafted rug made by his human mum Jennifer, I have a bit of rug envy but I don't think that he'd let me have it do you?!

Have a lovely lazy Sunday, and good luck getting to your cookers! 

Katy x



Katy Boys

Katy Boys

Katy is a rural girl at heart. She loves long walks, home cooking, paddling in rivers, warm fires and socks and stomping in leaves with her children. After studying ‘drawing stuff’ at university in Bath, Katy spent 10 years selling wares and managing folk at Habitat in Bath. Welcoming children into her world prompted her to return to drawing things, people and places from home. This led her to us at Blake & Bull and the rest is history. She draws our stuff, provides cuddles for the office dog, and is here to chat to you lovely lot.
