We regret to advise that with immediate effect Blake & Bull Limited has ceased trading and has instructed specialist insolvency firm Quantuma Advisory Limited to oversee the orderly closure and winding up of the business.

Any party adversely affected by our closure should, in the first instance, address their questions to the following dedicated mailbox blakeandbullenquiries@quantuma.com

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An Electrikit Reconditioned Aga Range Cooker In Golden Yellow

Last week the sun shone and summer felt like it had arrived with gusto! The sun was shining too in Robin & Sylvia's kitchen when we installed this Golden Yellow Pre'74 Deluxe.

reconditioned electric converted Aga range cooker in golden yellowThis e-cook reconditioned cooker  was installed on the slightly extended footprint of a Rayburn range cooker. The Electrikitinstalled with this cooker will give the owners more control and be cheaper to run too! 

I have the happy job of chatting with lovely folk who call on Blake & Bullto enquire about our e-cook and Electrikit combo. 

I thought that I would pop a few of my most frequently ask questions here!

What sort of supply do I need to connect my e-cook converted electric Aga range cooker to?

In the pic bottom left you can see two 13amp fused spurs. One connects to your hotplates the other to your roasting oven. These need to be in place prior to installation day. 

< more info on the electric supply requirements here

Can I turn off one hot plate, and do they run at different temperatures? 

Yes you can! Have one on, one off, both on, both off! Easy peasy! Each hot plate has a dial, you can see them to the right of the control panel here. The settings run from 1-8. You can leave them on a low heat all the time, but not up high. This is one of the functionalities that gives you more control on budgeting and seasonal changes. If you know that it is just you or you and a partner in the home you may only have one hotplate running. Guests coming for a big meal? Pop the other one on 20 mins ahead of cooking time! Super simple.

Can I control the temperature of both ovens?

With our system you control the temp of your roasting oven by using the small digital screen in the centre of the control panel. You can keep it running at a low temp all the time, and with a little prior thought increase the temp to that needed for your recipe. The simmering oven runs off the back of this oven

A super useful oven thermometer can accurately gauge your simmering oven temperature, very soon you and your machine will be in tune with each other! On a 4 oven there is an additional dial that controls an element for your left hand ovens, its positioning means that the top left oven will run hotter than the bottom left. 

Will my Blake & Bull converted cooker still cook the same way?

Yes, it will. The same brilliant radiant heat from genuine cast iron ovens and hot plates. 

< Matthew covers this topic more here!

Can I set a time, or remotely control via a whizzy smart device? 

No. Thats the simple answer. Why? Because the Electrikit is brilliantly simple. There is very little to go wrong. Seemingly rudimentary, but actually sophisticatedly simple! You can however arrange for your electrician to install a programmable 13amp timer spur so that you can set the e-cook reconditioned Aga range cooker to be off in working hours, and turn on an hour or so before you come home.

Will it heat my room, I am used to a toasty Aga range cooker? 

E-cook  reconditioned Aga range cookers are still cosy to be around, and let off enough heat to dry and air laundry on a rack.  However you are saving money by using energy more effectively and insulating your machine better. This means that the electrikit cookers do not throw out heat with the same intensity. Which is great in the summer months! But in the coldest months, if you have a cold kitchen and rely on your current Aga range cooker set up to heat the room, you might want to supplement the heating output of your e-cookcooker with another heat source.

Do I need a flue?

No, but you do need to vent, and we strongly advise that this is done through an external wall with a short vent pipe and external fan. 

< More from Matthew on that here


Blake and Bull refurbishment services re-enamelling services reconditioned aga range cookers suitable for aga range cookers

Can I choose the colour of my cooker? 

YES! And it is so much fun. You can select one of 38 colours from our collection when you buy and e-cook reconditioned Aga range cooker, or have yours re-enamelled. 

Why would I convert to electric if I have electric? 

Because some electric Aga range cookers cost more to run annually than Gas and oil, even when on an economy 7 system. That is why we champion the electrikitsystem over alternatives. 

< More on that here!

How long will it take to install my reconditioned e-cook Aga range cooker?

We are happily booking into December and even January 2020 now! Our service is swift when we arrive on site however, having prepped everything that we need in advance. So you need not be worried about being left without a warm cosy cooker for more than one day or even less! 

As a general rule we work to a schedule of 10-12 weeks order to install for our e-cook cookers and 6 months for our conversions and re-enamel works.

If you would like to pick my brains more, then please call for a chat! 

Katy x

< More on reconditioned cookers, techy stuff, and order details. 



Katy Boys

Katy Boys

Katy is a rural girl at heart. She loves long walks, home cooking, paddling in rivers, warm fires and socks and stomping in leaves with her children. After studying ‘drawing stuff’ at university in Bath, Katy spent 10 years selling wares and managing folk at Habitat in Bath. Welcoming children into her world prompted her to return to drawing things, people and places from home. This led her to us at Blake & Bull and the rest is history. She draws our stuff, provides cuddles for the office dog, and is here to chat to you lovely lot.
