We regret to advise that with immediate effect Blake & Bull Limited has ceased trading and has instructed specialist insolvency firm Quantuma Advisory Limited to oversee the orderly closure and winding up of the business.

Any party adversely affected by our closure should, in the first instance, address their questions to the following dedicated mailbox blakeandbullenquiries@quantuma.com

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Oil Aga range cooker running costs - current market March 2022

A 4 oven oil Aga cooker typically uses around 51ltrs a week and is serviced 2-3 times a year, at an average cost of £150 a time. Making the current March ‘22 running costs around £3149* per year including those pesky services (not needed with a Blake & Bull Reimagined electric Aga cooker of course.

That is around £60 a week.

Oil Aga running costs

How does that compare to an electric cooker from Blake & Bull? 

We measured Matthew’s real use of his family's oven in the winter of 2020. We call him a relaxed user! He chooses to leave the ovens on from morning until bedtime, and occasionally over night. He uses one hot plate instead of two {most of the time}, and keeps this on ½ way resting setting when not in use. 

Based on that pattern of behaviour, at the UK average electric direct debit tariff rate of 28p kw/h, the running costs equate to approx £35 a week. 

The beauty of the conversion to electric is that you can adjust your behaviour. You might choose to not use the hotplates at all, the oven floor is perfect for cooking toast! Or you may deploy a timer to only turn the ovens on as needed.

If your routine dictates that you only use your Aga range cooker in the evening, you can hard wire the conversion into timer spurs, these allow you to warm up a little ahead of time, and turn off when cooking is done! 

Matthews Aga range cooker running costs

"I have a terracotta Heritage style 4 oven (this is my kitchen!). I keep an eye on my electricity consumption and at the new electric prices due in April (28p kw/h) I'll be spending approx £35 p/week. Mine is a busy house with resident toddler so I turn on the ovens as I make my morning coffee and they stay on until supper is ready. I leave one hotplate on low so it only takes a few minutes to be ready to cook. Many owners of Blake & Bull cookers, whether converted or installed from scratch, run their cooker much more sensibly and cheaply! 

You can cook supper for two with a single hotplate and a roast for 16 with every oven blasting - use what you need! If electric gets cheaper again you can 'relax' your usage and prioritise convenience over cost. 

Annually I'll save £1300 on these figures. This would be much the same for a 2 oven cooker (the warming cupboard is left off till needed). A 2 oven conversion costs £3875 + VAT making the 'payback' period shorter than it's ever been at just over 3.5 years. That's a return on the cost of conversion you won't make from any bank these days." Matthew

We are now booking installations late June into July, so if you would like to see us before the winter months give us a call on 01225 541006. 

* Based on average OIL price for 500 ltrs on March 3rd 2022 - £509 {inc VAT at 5%}

Katy Boys

Katy Boys

Katy is a rural girl at heart. She loves long walks, home cooking, paddling in rivers, warm fires and socks and stomping in leaves with her children. After studying ‘drawing stuff’ at university in Bath, Katy spent 10 years selling wares and managing folk at Habitat in Bath. Welcoming children into her world prompted her to return to drawing things, people and places from home. This led her to us at Blake & Bull and the rest is history. She draws our stuff, provides cuddles for the office dog, and is here to chat to you lovely lot.
