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Choose between shallow (modern) & deep (traditional) lid chrome tops



All 'Deluxe' cookers, whether pre or post 1974, come with lids that are a rim of enamel combined with a chrome upper section. Inside the lid is high performance insulation held in place by our non-stick lid liners (fitted as standard). 

We have two options for the chrome section. They affect only the way it looks! The deeper (shown at bottom) are more traditional. They are 4cm deep and have a more rounded profile. The shallow (top) are 2.5cm deep with a sharper corner gradient that looks a little sleeker and more modern. Choose whichever you prefer! 

Note... Both images show a pre-1974 'Deluxe' cooker. The lower was originally solid fuel and retains its, now cosmetic, airwheel to the top left of the front. They are quite pretty and give a more retro look. Optionally available on our 'Deluxe' (pre-1974) 2 oven reconditioned Aga range cookers.


Shallow or deep lid chrome tops on Aga range cookers
