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Crispy Kale


Recipe Name:  Crispy Kale


Meal Type: Side Dish
Prep Time: 5 Mins

Cook time: 20 Mins

Servings: 1 Portion
Description:  A simple side dish that pleases kids and adults alike! Tell the kids that it seaweed from the depths and they'll gobble it up!


  • Cavalo Nero - 1 bag or..
  • Kale - 1 bag
  • A spray oil, or 1Tbsp of light olive oil rubbed over the leaves
  • seasoning
  • Lime (if you wish)
  • Suggested Cookware


    "Spray curly kale with oil after removing thick stalks, and breaking it up a bit, sprinkle over some sea salt, cook until crispy on the edges. 10-20 mins depending on oven temp! It’s yum and tastes like crispy seaweed. (Freshly ground pepper, and fine lime zest optional extras!)"

    Katy's tip! :

    I duped both my kids into eating kale by telling them it was seaweed and they love it this way! At home I cut it a little thinner, rub over about a tablespoon of mild olive oil, and cook in a high oven for 5-6 mins, normally when my roast meat is resting. Move it about a bit halfway through, when edges start to brown ever so slightly you can devour!

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