By: Katy Boys
Meal Type: Dessert
Cook time: 40 Minutes
Servings: 1 Cake Tin
This is a recipe that I turn to time and time over. It makes a great celebration chocolate cake, and stays moist kept for a couple of days. It is so easy to make, it is also fab for those days when you NEED a chocolate hit! (when don't you...?)
This recipe is the perfect fit for our NEW 9 inch (22.8cm) diameter round cake tin, just cool thoroughly and slice across to fill.
You may need...
- A 9 inch cake tin, or
- A Spun Iron 8½" (22cm) Cake Tin
- A whisk, mixing bowl, spatula, a sense of determination and a strong arm, or..
- ..A food processor
- A cold plain shelf
1. Smooth a thin layer of butter in your tin, and dust with flour, leaving nothing uncovered!
2. Beat your eggs well
3. Measure out your oil and milk in one jug, and then your boiling water in another - this is a wet mix, don't be alarmed, all will be well
4. Bring together your dry ingredients and mix, then add your oil & milk, eggs, & extract - only until combined, don't be tempted to over mix, it will make a stiff cake!
5. As you mix, gently pour the boiling water down the inner side of the bowl, and then pour your mix immediately into your tins and bake
This recipe calls for a 180℃ 25-35 min cook, I have always cooked mine at a steady 150℃ for around 30 - 40 mins, I find that the rise is even and not too fast this way, this is split over two shallow tins, like our cast iron ones.
Utilise a cold shelf if necessary to shield your bake from the heat, and reduce your oven temperature. If you are un-sure of your oven's temp, use a thermometer to gauge it first.
The cake is cooked when a skewer pushed into the middle comes out clean. Turn onto a rack to cool and serve.
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