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Practical Notes On Timers For Converted Aga Range Cookers

You may want to fit a timer when you arrange the electrical supply for your Aga range cooker Blake & Bull conversion or remanufactured Aga range cooker installation. 

Turning your converted Aga range cooker off at night whilst you sleep saves energy and helps you get in a routine, you can also wake to a warm Aga! We recommend a decent gap of use, 10:00pm - 06:00am.

We do not recommend leaving the hotplates to come on via a timer incase someone in the home leaves the lid up in the lifted position and the hot surface is exposed to children or small animals.

Timers are good if you have a fixed pattern of use. As they really do help regulate running costs. If your use is likely to be more flexible, lots one day none the next, then we recommend easing into adjusting temps manually.

Both eControl series X and the Electrickit systems are controlled by simple practical dials and knobs, if you do not turn the dials or set the temperatures to that which you require ready for when the timer switches the power on, you will not have a 'ready' cooker.

If you are away from the property and you want to control the on/off of the Aga,  you will need a timer with a cloud hosted app. Do remember that warm up times are so quick, that you may not need a timer, and you can just switch the Aga on when you get to the property, and it will be warm by the time you have un-packed and made a cup of tea!

For eControl X we have been recommended this brand, please check with your electrician for their thoughts! We only recommend smart timers if you have a strong WIFI connection in the home and a familiarity with setting up and using smart devices. It is not simple to connect manual programmable timers to the eControl system due to the required 32-40amp supply. 

With Electrickit Classic there is an integrated timer within the system. This is chargeable upgrade. 2 & 4 ovens timer installations are £188 + VAT installed, 3 oven timer installations are £249 + VAT. If you are used to using a smart device to contact friends, order shopping, manage your diary or similar then this may be a good option. If however you do not regularly use a smart device, nor naturally turn to your phone to help you with tasks, we would recommend that you seek out a timer that sits outside the Aga and is more of a  'set up once, and forget about it!’ type. But please check the power rating with your electrician. 

The integrated timer for Electrickit Classic does not control the hotplates, only the ovens as a safety function. 

If you lose the handset with the App, are disconnected from WIFI, or have broadband supply changes you will be unable to use the ovens until the App is restored and you may need a chargeable engineer re-set visit.

For Electrickit Original, if you want a wifi timer please look at 'Timeguard for a wifi solution, but ask your electrician for their advice. 

The internal eControl timers and internal Electrickit timers are covered by the manufacturer warranty. 

WIFI/Broadband router problems, App 'outages', App updates, power cut resets and malfunctions are not covered by either warranty. Resetting timers will generate a service charge should you invite us to do it, happily it can be managed using our guides and help from our HQ by the user at no charge!

In all cases we defer to the expertise of your electrician, who when following the guidance in our supply information is best placed to advise on the compatibility of timers in your home.

Psst! Remember that {a bit like programming your dishwasher at night} you will still need to manually set the electric system controls to what temps {settings} you want it to be at when the power cuts back in {timer activates}; be that a few hours or days later. 

Notes on the electrical supply of both systems can be found here on this page ☜


