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DON'T paint your Aga range cooker!!!

[Find out more about our re-enamelling service. It's done in one day with no minimal disruption!]

I'm not sure if anyone is 'painting' Aga range cookers anymore as a paid for service but this is why its a bad idea! Here is another example. We see these every now and again and I suspect it was a cheap fix but long term looks AWFUL! There is no substitute for vitreous enamel. Whatever this substance is has crazed from the heat, fallen off, stained and burnt. On top of all this its basically impossible to clean.

It's not impossible to sort though and Philip was tasked with fitting original parts re-enamelled especially for this cooker in 'Supreme Grey' and removing the original parts to be shot blasted, re-enamelled and fitted to the next 'Standard' model Aga range cooker we visit. The logo has been blurred as it is not our trademark!

Repainted Aga range cooker in red

Aga re-enamelled grey


Matthew Bates

Matthew Bates

Matthew is from a farming family near Bath and a graduate of King's College London who decided not to follow the 'standard' path into banking or the law. He has been working with these fabulous cookers in some form or another since 2003. Matthew runs Blake and Bull from beautiful Bradford on Avon, near Bath. Alf the golden retriever makes sure the working day finishes at 6pm sharp - dog walk time!
